Tired of Big Brother controlling what you can post or what you can see on social media? You don’t need permission to leave Facebook or Twitter and there are other fish in the social media sea.
Censorship is not new, but recently it seems, the social media giants have become quite full of themselves and are on massive power trips and are censoring conservatives like never before. Their CEOs believe themselves to be gods and, as such, are untouchable. They feel they can dictate what you can or cannot see. The level of filtering, censoring, throttling, and removing of conservatives and republicans is at an all time high. How many of us have been in “jail” or had our pages or groups removed or our accounts restricted or deleted?
“Twitter and Facebook are engaging in biased editorialization,” argued John Matze, Parler CEO. “Once you start content curation and you start fact-checking, you’re introducing bias and I don’t think that there’s any perfect group without bias, so in terms of being a platform for transparency and free speech, they’ve gone way too far,” Matze said.
Keep in mind that when you do decide to leave Facebook and delete your account, you can uninstall the app on an iPhone, but you can’t uninstall the app from your Samsung smart phone (we checked our phones). You can “disable” the app, but that’s not the same as uninstalling the app. But you shouldn’t let that deter you if you want to jump ship. So, if you are fed up with censorship, where can you go?
Social Media Options
If you’re looking for something like Twitter, then you’ll want to take a look at Parler (web, Android, iOS), pronounced “par-lay,” which has attracted conservative users because they felt disenfranchised by other social media platforms. Over the summer it has boomed as more and more conservatives have gotten fed up with being censored. Just this week it jumped to most popular app as conservatives rally support to leave Twitter and Facebook. Currently, it is the number one most downloaded app in the world. Parler claims to moderate content based on American Federal Communications Commission guidelines and Supreme Court rulings.
If you’re looking for something like Facebook, you have a couple of options. Currently, we are “test driving” MeWe (web, Android, iOS) and Connect (web). Both have no ads, spyware, targeting, political bias, or newsfeed manipulation. Both are very similar with one notable difference. Connect allows you to create groups and pages. MeWe allows you to create groups, but if you want a page, it will cost a small monthly fee.
MeWe is an American online social media and social networking service owned by Sgrouples, a company based in California. The service touts its commitment to user privacy and control as its outstanding feature. “You own your content. You control your interactions. You design your level of privacy. MeWe is where you can be your authentic self, the way you are in your real life.”
Connect is just starting out and is, therefore, smaller in comparison to MeWe, but we think it has promise. Started by Many Are One, “Connect is where patriots can network with their fellow patriots in this battle against those who want to silence us. On Connect, you can create your own account, friend other members, start a group, and make a business page, or one that fits your needs just like on Facebook. You can post and share anything you wish, as long as it’s not illegal, promotes violence, or is pornographic. Just keep it clean, informative, and fun. A little snarkiness is fine too, of course.”
Something to Keep in Mind
In our effort to exit Facebook and Twitter, we are all scattering and we will end up divided, which may or may not be a good thing. If we all migrate to one or two platforms then we are all together and can create a united front; however, those platforms may become targets of the Left. If we establish smaller pockets across multiple platforms then we won’t look as united, but won’t appear to pose a serious threat either. The key is: No matter where we all end up, we have to maintain our connections across all the platforms so that we are, in fact, united. So, if you’re looking to jump ship you have options. So, go ahead. Jump! And go find your peeps!