What we need right now is truth. Truth from our politicians, truth from our government, truth from our health departments and healthcare professionals, truth from our education system, our teachers and professors, and truth from the media.
There is so much twisting and spinning and skewing and straight out lying happening that it makes it difficult to discern the truth. It doesn’t help when so called “experts” present something as fact and then weeks or months later present the exact opposite as fact. Well, which is it? And, were you lying then or are you lying now? And, it begs the question: Are there hidden agendas? Are lies being perpetrated to manipulate and control the people?
What makes it challenging is that some people honestly believe what they are saying is truth. But is it really? Honesty and truth are not the same. Someone can be completely honest and totally untruthful. A schizophrenic can be honest about their fear of the monster standing in the corner of the room when, in truth, there’s no monster standing there.
An anti-gun advocate declares with all sincerity that all guns should be banned. Why? Because he believes that if guns were banned then criminals wouldn’t possess them. Honest? Yes. True? No.
In 1998, then president Bill Clinton said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” Was he being honest? Some say yes, because he believed that his actions did not fit the definition. Clinton later confessed that he did have an “improper physical relationship” with Monica Lewinsky, a 24-year-old White House intern.
Years ago, I had conversations with a woman who adamantly denied that any abuse happened to her child because she loved her husband and could not believe that he could beat his own, her own, child. Hard to imagine that kind of selective memory? Imagine it. It happens. She wanted to believe that her husband had never abused her son. But was it true? No, he bloodied their son’s nose on more than one occasion.
So, why do people believe the lies?
For some, it’s because they have been taught the lies from a very young age. They don’t know any different and they don’t want to face the reality that everything they know is a lie. So they cling to the lie and refuse to accept the truth even when it is presented to them.
For others it’s because they hate the “other side” so much they will easily believe anything their side says.
For still others, it’s because they’ve been told that not believing somehow makes them a bad person. In today’s society, just disagreeing with someone will quickly get you labeled as something horrible. You will also be shamed, publicly humiliated, and possibly assaulted. It’s hard to stand your ground against such violent and ugly behavior. It’s better just to go along and believe. The problem with this is that the more we stay silent and listen to the lies, the more we actually do start to believe them. To our subconscious mind, silence means we condone it.
For yet still others, it’s because the lie was presented in a way that sounds truthful. It was presented earnestly by experts in the field. It sounds heartfelt or like it’s the product of judicious unbiased research. How can someone who says they are looking out for us be lying to us? And when the lie is repeated over and over by multiple people, we can’t help but start to think it’s true. So many people can’t be wrong. Or can they?
Truth is an accurate representation of reality
Truth is reality. Truth is fact. Truth is logical and makes sense. Truth does not change because our needs change. No, truth is truth. Two plus two will always equal four.
Truth is not about what you believe. Truth is not about what you want. Truth just is and it can be harsh and unforgiving. Truth is real. Truth is brutal. Truth is irrefutable.
But the truth is not what we’re getting. We’re being lied to by people in power who want to control and manipulate us, and who want to keep their power. Many are abusing their power and, just like the Wizard of Oz, they do not want us to see what they are doing behind the curtain.
For many of them, the ends justify the means, meaning they will do anything, go to any lengths, they will lie, cheat, steal, and even murder to get what they want.
We need the truth and, more importantly, we need to trust that our politicians, our government, our health departments and healthcare professionals, our teachers and professors, and our media are all telling us the truth. We want to trust. We need to trust. We need to trust that the people we have placed into positions of power are telling us the truth. Because unless we can trust that we are being told the truth, it’s all just lies, all of it, and it doesn’t matter who you are. Without trust, there cannot be truth, and without truth, there is nothing.