
Spirit of Resistance is Alive and Well in America

“What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?” – Thomas Jefferson

Across the nation, our public servants (and I use that term loosely) should heed the warning: Respect our Constitution, protect our Constitutional rights or we will vote you out of office and replace you with someone who will.

Clearly, the liberal socialist left believes that through their suppression tactics, restrictive speech, oppressive government, espionage state, and now their destructive riots they can crush our spirit. Clearly, they believe that they’ve been successful marginalizing conservatism and declaring republicans and organizations like the Tea Party irrelevant. They are wrong. They have not and will not ever squelch our spirit.

But let’s set aside party lines for now because patriotism and belief in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is not solely the domain of conservative Republicans (although I believe that is where it mostly resides). Every day, more and more Democrats are waking up to what their party has become. It is now the socialist Democratic party that supports lockdowns, gun control, late term abortions, defunding police and releasing criminals onto our streets, more taxes, higher taxes, and violent riots. They want to destroy our nation’s history and they want to destroy this country. We are threatened—blackmailed—daily to vote for them or watch our country burn.

What this illustrates is that the anti-constitutionalists are deluding themselves if they think we will just let them take away our Rights without a fight. My hope is that more and more people are finally beginning to wake up and smell the treason that has taken root in our own government.

James Madison believed “there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation.” Madison was right and this slow erosion of our liberties and of the Constitution has been going on for quite some time.

We can no longer slumber in silence. We need to wake up, stand up, speak up, and start recalling and/or voting out the politicians who have no respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We need to vote in individuals, who will honor our Constitution and protect our Bill of Rights; who will limit government, curb spending, balance the budget, eliminate our national debt, and get Americans back to work and our economy booming again.

We need to reboot from 1776.

Verify and Don’t Trust

There are plenty of politicians who would like to tell you what the First Amendment means or what the Second Amendment says, but what you may not realize is: They are twisting, spinning, or outright lying. Do not trust them. Neither should you trust their puppets, the mainstream media, who merely regurgitate everything they are spoon fed. Neither should you trust Hollywood with all their “historical” movies that are based on more fiction than their plastic surgeries combined. In fact, don’t trust anyone.

Our government would have us believe that we are too stupid to understand such complicated documents as the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. English, particularly Olde English is sooo hard to read, don’t you know. Our government officials want to paraphrase them for us, interpret them for us, simplify them for us and in so doing they are completely changing what they mean. And they are doing this with a purpose!

Our government through our educational system began the indoctrination of our children some time ago. Known by such names as Common Core, the 1619 Project, and critical race theory, the goal is to slowly, over time, change the wording of all our founding documents and rewrite our history. Our children have been and are being taught revised wording and told that it has always said this. Inattentive parents don’t realize their children are being taught an incorrect version. These children are growing up believing in a different history, a different Constitution and a different Bill of Rights; and will gladly rollover and bow down to an increasingly oppressive government.

In our household, we took an active role in our children’s education. When they came home from school having learned something counter to the truth, we re-educated them. We complained to the school district about what they were teaching or how our conservative children were being treated by their teachers and their peers, but it was often in vain. If we could afford a private school or had the means to home-school, we would have.

In his book, Animal Farm, George Orwell shows us exactly how this works. The community’s “rules” are written on the barn wall, but the pigs sneak out in the middle of the night and make small, subtle, changes to the words. When another animal dares to question “the writing on the wall,” the pigs say it has always been this way and they say it with such conviction that the other animals go blindly along and take the “new” wording as Gospel. If you have not read or have read and forgotten Animal Farm, we highly recommend that you read it. Reading it in today’s context is frightening. It will chill you to the bone just how accurately Orwell predicted what is happening right now.

To counter the indoctrination in our schools, in September 2020, President Trump said he would create a commission to promote “patriotic education” and announced the creation of a grant to develop a “pro-American curriculum.” Trump said schools need to focus on “the legacy of 1776,” when American Colonies declared independence from Great Britain. We agree wholeheartedly.

The newly formed committee, Trump said, will be called the “1776 Commission.” We couldn’t be more excited. We hope it succeeds, but can it undo the damage that has already been done to current generations? They seem all too content to believe the lies they were taught even when the truth is presented to them.

Now is the time to take matters into your own hands and read for yourself what our Founding Fathers wrote more than two centuries ago. Feel their conviction, hear their passion as they write about their freedoms—our freedoms and why they are worth protecting and fighting for.

Following is a list of reading suggestions and the founding documents we have right here on this site (simply click on the links):

The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Don’t trust anything you might find in your child’s school book. Read the original versions. We have them posted here under historical documents.

The Bible. Someday, very soon we think, it may become a banned book. It’s only a matter of time before the liberal socialists have it branded as hate-speech. If you don’t have at least one version in the house, we suggest you get one.

George Orwell’s Animal Farm and 1984. Both of these books were written more than 50 years ago and are fictional works; however, they are extremely relevant to today and are fast becoming frighteningly, shockingly, real. We are living in Animal Farm now and we are rapidly becoming the world of 1984 and Big Brother’s eye is more and more upon us. With very few exceptions, don’t believe what you hear on television or watch in a movie theater. Be suspicious of so called documentaries. Don’t believe what comes home in your child’s text book. Take matters into your own hands and read for yourself. Educate yourself.  Don’t be sheep blindly following whatever the pigs say or you may find yourself a horse being led to your own slaughter.

Is it Time for Mutiny?

This country is suffering beneath ever-growing oppressive leaders at the state and federal level. Their grasp of what is important to this country’s success and how to achieve it is so shaky that most of them should be thrown out as incompetent. When the early colonists found themselves beneath an oppressive monarchy, they mutinied.

History records it as the American Revolution (1775-1783), also known as the American Revolutionary War and the U.S. War of Independence. Some of the events leading up to this conflict included the government’s attempt to raise revenue with taxes, the attempt to suppress a rebellious media, and the government’s attempt to take away the colonists’ ability to defend themselves (Paul Revere’s ride was to warn his fellow countrymen that the British were on their way to confiscate their guns).

The government was tone deaf to the demands of the colonists and their demands for the protection of their rights. The government even considered the colonists demands to be an affront. After all, they knew what was best for the colonies. Any of this sound familiar? Is it time to mutiny? Could mutiny be successful?

According to DePaul University professors Patrick Murphy and Ray Coye in their book Mutiny and Its Bounty, the answer to that question can be found with the people who did mutiny best: seafarers in the Age of Discovery (mid-1400s to the early 1600s). This was the time when seafarers like Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, and Henry Hudson undertook risky ventures at sea. Their venturing began in Portugal and Spain and went on for hundreds of years and with staggering volume.

Murphy and Coye write that mutinies were as common as the wind on Age of Discovery seafaring ventures. What’s more, the people participating in them often had very sophisticated notions of leadership and service. They also recorded firsthand much of what happened. Murphy and Coye’s analysis of records and diaries from these long enterprises shows that mutinies are successfully carried out when a few conditions are present:

Leadership is destructive.

Interestingly, we find that mutinies go differently for different kinds of bad leaders. When leaders are technically weak, for example, but well-liked, members depose them via fast, tactical mutinies. The case of Henry Hudson, set adrift on today’s Hudson Bay, is a prime example. Members depose technically brilliant but not well-liked leaders with careful, strategic mutinies. Here, a mutiny against Ferdinand Magellan on the South American coast comes to mind (although apparently it wasn’t strategic enough; Magellan viciously quashed it).

Values have been flouted.

When leader actions threaten the values that members share, an organization becomes a social powder keg. In the Age of Discovery, those shared values were centered on basic needs like the supply and quality of food, and the safety of the crew. Today, an assault on a community’s shared values more likely threatens higher-order needs for meaning and esteem. But the mechanism is identical.

Ringleaders are strong.

Because a mutiny requires coordinated, energized action, the role of the ringleader is essential. Credible, inspiring ringleaders are as vital to mutinies as founders are to entrepreneurial ventures.

The external environment is uncertain and features novel threats.

Whether it’s due to weak technical expertise or low interpersonal skill (or both), bad leaders are especially prone to poor management decisions when the environment is uncertain and unprogrammed actions are necessary. At the same time, threats and opportunities to an organization are opportunities and threats (i.e., transposed) for a mutiny inside that organization. They are important to mutiny planning and execution.

Put all this together and you have a situation where an influential member is able to make the case that the current leader can’t be trusted to deal with new threats because of their demonstrated lapse in upholding values.

When mutiny occurs, the leader involved usually sees it as a sudden flash. But the members involved in the action see it differently. Like an entrepreneurial team, they formulate a strategic plan for mutiny in secret, execute it tactically, and face the risks with a sense of justice and purpose. And here is the real surprise of Murphy and Coye’s research: Mutinies are usually for the better. Given the connotations of the term mutiny, and the images it brings to mind, few would expect that it would be an improvement. In our post-industrial age, mutiny is taboo. But the culture of the Age of Discovery assumed that members should depose a bad leader. It was understood that mutiny could save a venture or help it succeed.

Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, “Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government.

Our founding father’s believed that we, as citizens, have a duty—a moral obligation—to depose a corrupt government. They mutinied against the British Crown and created a better nation—a nation built on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There are many in our current government who wish to take all this away and turn us into a socialist state where the government “owns” our children, our property, and all that we have. A government that will tell us what to eat, what to wear, and what to think. A government that will control the flow of information. A government that will indoctrinate our children.

And the first step toward all of this, just like the British who came in the middle of the night, will be to take our guns away so that we cannot defend ourselves against a corrupt government.

Is it time for mutiny?