2021 has finally arrived but, at the moment, it doesn’t feel a whole lot better than 2020. Nevertheless, there are things we all can do to try and make 2021 a better year and it all starts with our new year resolutions.
Let’s face it, COVID is here to stay and it has begun mutating just like every other flu virus. The vaccine, if you choose to get it, will only be effective against the strain of virus for which it was developed. New vaccines will need to be developed every time the virus mutates. At some point, it turns into a game of whack-a-mole. For every mutation we figure out, another pops up. We have to learn to live with the virus, but how do we do that?
Resolve to Boost Your Immune System
One resolution we all should make is to boost our immune system. One way to do that is to get outside more often and by that, we mean every day. No matter what the weather is like, get outside, take a short or a long walk, breathe in fresh air, and soak up some sun (and vitamin D). It will improve mental and physical health.
According to a study published in July in the Journal of Intensive Care, researchers discovered 80% of COVID patients had a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is beneficial to our immune systems and offers protection against infections. Doctors we spoke to recommended at least 20 minutes of sunlight every day to get an adequate amount of vitamin D. During winter months this can be challenging because we are less likely to go outside, there is less daylight, and/or more cloud cover, which is why many of us may need to add a supplement and eat specific foods to raise our vitamin D levels.
Things you can do to increase your vitamin D levels include consuming fatty fish and seafood, and eating more mushrooms, egg yolks, spinach, kale, okra, collards, soybeans, white beans, and vitamin D fortified foods like orange juice, oatmeal, and breakfast cereal. If you don’t feel you are getting enough through your diet, add a vitamin D supplement. You can also suck it up buttercup, and get outside in some kind of activity be it walking, running, gardening, or just sitting and reading a book. It doesn’t matter what you do, just do it, outside, in sunlight.
In addition to vitamin D, other supplements that will boost your immune system include vitamin C, zinc, and quercetin. Vitamin C is sort of a no-brainer. We all know or should know that vitamin C can help us fight off illnesses. Zinc prevents the virus from hijacking your DNA and prevents the virus from replicating. It also prevents the virus from entering the cell, so zinc is very important right now. Quercetin, which is a natural bioflavonoid, works in tandem with zinc by opening the cells in your body so that zinc can get inside your cells where it can do its thing.
We should note here that we are not doctors. It’s important to talk to your own doctor before taking a new vitamin regimen, to make sure it’s safe for you and doesn’t affect any prescriptions you’re taking or any other medical conditions. So, before you go popping a bunch of supplements or eating your weight in mushrooms, have a conversation with your doctor. But if all your doctor does is nay say and push a vaccine in your face, then maybe its time you found a new doctor…. Just sayin’.
Resolve to be More Active
A second resolution is to find ways to be more active. If you don’t exercise, start. If you do exercise, up your game. If you have health issues or are overweight, talk to your doctor about what you could do. Even walking every day can make us stronger, help us shed pounds, and improve our mood. Make a commitment to work toward improving your physical health and losing any excess weight, which contributes to so many health issues. Our bodies must be as strong as possible to fight off diseases and viruses.
Resolve to Eat Better
In addition to ensuring we have strong levels of vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and quercetin, a third resolution is to eat healthy in general, which will help us to shed extra weight and improve our immune system, which, again, will help us fight off diseases and viruses. Good hydration is important also, and by good hydration we mean water, not soda, juice, and all that other stuff. Drinking water has so many health benefits and yet most of us are so dehydrated and don’t even realize it. So, drink water, eat your protein, fruits and veggies, and get enough fiber in your diet. Watch your portions and try not to snack on too much junk.
Resolve to be Happier
It’s a proven fact that stress can have a negative impact on our physical and mental health and on our immune system. There is a lot (too much) doom and gloom these days. There is a lot to worry about. Try not to let it get to you. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break from the negative news and social media. Do something that makes you happy. Reach out to a friend or a family member. Humans are social creatures. We need each other and we are stronger together. Do not allow “them” to divide us, to isolate us. Find ways to socialize and connect.
And, do whatever you need to do to ensure a good night’s rest. Sleep is important for our health and wellness. It gives our brains and our bodies a chance to process, recharge, and repair.
Resolve to Stop Listening to the Hysterics
All we hear and read all day long, day after day, is how we all need to wear masks, stay inside, and isolate ourselves. None of this is for our health because none of this is healthy for any of us and none of it is actually working. What’s happening is that business owners are losing everything, people are losing their jobs, families are going bankrupt, and children are starving. Depression and suicide rates are high as is domestic violence. Lockdowns and mask mandates don’t work and in many ways they make things worse.
According to a recent study by the Heritage Foundation, the 25 U.S. counties with the highest number of officially reported cases of COVID, have rigorous mask mandates and lockdowns in place as do 97 of the top 100.
A study of almost 10 million people published in the scientific journal Nature Communications, found that asymptomatic spread of COVID did not occur at all, thus undermining the need for lockdowns, which are built on the premise of the virus being unwittingly spread by infectious, asymptomatic people. Without asymptomatic transmission, which is the whole basis for curve-flattening lockdowns, life should resume and we could take comfort in our normal intuition that healthy people can get out and about with no risk to others.
According to the Great Barrington Declaration, which more than 52,000 medical and healthcare professionals and scientists all over the world have signed, current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health, including worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings, and deteriorating mental health, resulting in more violence and suicides. Keeping our children out of school, isolated, and living in fear is having a negative impact on their mental health and will have serious long-term psychological consequences. Keeping our elderly isolated with no contact allowed from family members and loved ones is unconscionable. Yes, our elderly are dying of COVID, but they are also dying from loneliness and heartache and that’s just so sad.
So much of this is just so not healthy for any of us. We are all smart enough to do what we all need to do to stay healthy and protect our must vulnerable populations. So much of it is simple common sense and this is what the media should be talking about instead of just screaming for more control.
Bottom Line?
Get outside (every day). Get more activity and exercise. Increase your levels of vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc and quercetin. Eat healthy. Hydrate. Get enough sleep. Improve your mental and emotional health. Take back your life! If we stand any chance against this virus, we must get healthier and stronger. No matter what it takes, no matter how much it hurts, and no matter how hard it is. We must get physically and emotionally strong. If there is a change that you can make to get yourself and your immune system healthier and stronger, make it, today.