“What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?” – Thomas Jefferson
Across the nation, our public servants (and I use that term loosely) should heed the warning: Respect our Constitution, protect our Constitutional rights or we will vote you out of office and replace you with someone who will.
Clearly, the liberal socialist left believes that through their suppression tactics, restrictive speech, oppressive government, espionage state, and now their destructive riots they can crush our spirit. Clearly, they believe that they’ve been successful marginalizing conservatism and declaring republicans and organizations like the Tea Party irrelevant. They are wrong. They have not and will not ever squelch our spirit.
But let’s set aside party lines for now because patriotism and belief in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is not solely the domain of conservative Republicans (although I believe that is where it mostly resides). Every day, more and more Democrats are waking up to what their party has become. It is now the socialist Democratic party that supports lockdowns, gun control, late term abortions, defunding police and releasing criminals onto our streets, more taxes, higher taxes, and violent riots. They want to destroy our nation’s history and they want to destroy this country. We are threatened—blackmailed—daily to vote for them or watch our country burn.
What this illustrates is that the anti-constitutionalists are deluding themselves if they think we will just let them take away our Rights without a fight. My hope is that more and more people are finally beginning to wake up and smell the treason that has taken root in our own government.
James Madison believed “there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation.” Madison was right and this slow erosion of our liberties and of the Constitution has been going on for quite some time.
We can no longer slumber in silence. We need to wake up, stand up, speak up, and start recalling and/or voting out the politicians who have no respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We need to vote in individuals, who will honor our Constitution and protect our Bill of Rights; who will limit government, curb spending, balance the budget, eliminate our national debt, and get Americans back to work and our economy booming again.
We need to reboot from 1776.